Lichen is a sign of a lack of fertilizer.

Apply a slow-release granular like 13.6.6. around the base of the tree to promote growth. A copper fungicide can also be
applied to treat the lichen itself.

September is the time to reapply the same slow-release granular to all your trees, shrubs and flower plants.

Benefits of this late fall application, include better fall/ winter color; earlier spring green up and improved overall health.


Due to our South Louisiana climate we recommend waiting until October to apply the GroSmart Fall step or a winterizer to your lawn.

The key to weed prevention is continued application of a Pre-Emergent herbicides. Apply every 3 months year round.


Dimension is a pre-emergent herbicide used in ornamental landscape areas, and established lawns. Apply to your flowerbeds and lawns to prevent weed seeds from germinating. This can be applied over your existing landscape.


Bug Blaster is a broad spectrum insecticide that controls insect and pests in lawns and landscapes. Bug Blaster should be applied throughout your yard to control fire ants, fleas, ticks, mole crickets, chinch bugs, crane flies, scorpions, and other listed pests.

Worms and caterpillars cause small holes in the leaves of your trees, shrubs or vegetables.

Apply Thuricide to treat these insects.

Now that the weather is cooling slightly you can prune/ tip your knock out roses.

Don’t forget to fertilize after pruning.

Please check out our September newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.


You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.



Baton rouge has had an extended period with high temperatures and no rain. Water is the number one issue we are seeing this time of year. Water your plants regularly but allow them to dry slightly between waterings. Keep an eye on plants near or directly under larger trees. These larger trees can absorb a majority of the moisture.

  • Water at the base of the shrub to avoid leaf fungus or burning.
  • Avoid digging, transplanting and pruning during the heat.
  • Adjust your irrigation timers each season.
  • Mow your lawn at a high setting.

Irrigation and Timers are helpful in the heat.

Add a timer to your irrigation or soaker hose to provide adequate water to your shrubs and lawn.

Organic option for your lawn.

If you haven't fertilized your lawn yet this summer OR are looking to green it up; this product is for you. Living Organic Fertilizer 4-3-4 is a pelletized, pure poultry litter fertilizer. Mighty grow provides living beneficial microorganisms
and trace minerals back into your soil. It is a great option to use in your gardens, and lawn.

Nutsedge is still an aggressive weed this time of year. Don’t pull it!
Pulling it will cause it to spread. Instead spray it with SedgeHammer

Mosquito Beater

Treat your yard and keep away, gnats, flies, moths, and mosquitoes!!

Please check out our August newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.


You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.



Stay on top of your weeding during the heat. Get out in your yard in the early morning or late evening. If you have not applied a pre-emergent. Do it now! Every three months is key!

Nutsedge is an aggressive weed this time of year. Don’t pull it! Pulling it will cause it to spread. Instead, apply SedgeHammer. The new formula includes the surfactant. Mix with water and apply.

Sedgehammer doesn't affect any other trees or shrubs.

Mosquito Problem?!?
First, Remove all standing water around your yard.

Next, Apply Mosquito Beater to your yard or gardens. The all natural formula will repel mosquitoes, gnats and flies for up to two weeks. Great for parties or family gatherings. Pleasantly scented and easy to apply. Contains cedar oil, citronella, and geranium oil and lemongrass oil.
-Treats 5000sq. ft.

Seasonal Color “Deadhead” or remove the dead or spent blooms on your seasonal flowers. This will encourage more flowering and improve the general appearance of the overall plant. Reapply a monthly fertilizer to your seasonal color to encourage blooms.
Summer annual color still available.

Please check out our July newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.


You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.



That’s right…….time to fertilize again.

June is an important month for your yard. During the heat of the summer your trees, shrubs and lawn need attention.

To keep your yard protected and treated, it is time to REAPPLY your Fertilizer, Pre-Emergent Herbicide and Insecticides. **Remember the trick to these chemicals is to apply every three months. MARCH, JUNE, and SEPTEMBER.


LAWN: Whether you applied the GroSmart spring step or Weed and Feed this Spring; now is the time to apply the GroSmart Summer step 2 on your lawn.

GroSmart is a fertilizer designed for our southern climate. It will help sustain your lawn through our hot summer. — ONLY $ 12.50 for 1,700 sq. ft. ***If you are still having weeds pop up in your lawn you can spot spray with Weed Free Zone if weather is below 90 degrees.


Apply Our PlantTech blend of 13.6.6 , slow release granular fertilize to your flower beds, trees, shrubs and seasonal color every three months.


Lichen is a common fungus.

It is not particularly harmful but it is a sign your plant or tree is not actively growing.

Dimension is a pre-emergent herbicide that prevents weed seeds from germinating in your flower beds. Broadcast in your existing beds and lawn every three months year round.

Bug Blaster is a granular insecticide that should be applied to your flowerbeds and yard to keep out fleas, ticks, chinch bugs Great for preventing red ants. These products can be used in your flowerbeds and lawns!


It is best to water your shrubs and lawn thoroughly then let it dry out slightly. Nothing likes to stay wet.

Deep watering pro- motes strong roots, and healthy plants. If you have irrigation it doesn't mean larger trees, shrubs or pot- ted plants are getting enough water. Check regularly and add water when necessary.

Please check out our June newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.


You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.
