Caladiums and Vinca are now available!!   A Fungicide is crucial for seasonal color success!!    NELSON COLOR STAR is a fertilizer and fungicide in one.  Apply to the ground before planting your seasonal color.  A fungicide suppresses and controls soil borne funguses that cause root rot.


Plant Tech now carries Crystal Blue Pond Care Treat and enhance the color of your ponds.  

These products are safe on your fish and wildlife.

Kill Duckweed, Muck,  Algea, Lilies, grasses, & Cattails


SedgeHammer is one of the only selective herbicide that will kill nutsedge in turf grass or landscaped beds.


Bring in your baskets from last season



Please check out our May newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products. 

You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.