— Time to Fertilize….AGAIN—

Apply a slow-release granular like 13.6.6. around the base of the plant to promote growth. We offer our specially blended fertilizer in 2 sizes. 25# and 50#

September is the time to reapply the same slow release granular to all your trees, shrubs and flowering plants.

Benefits of this late fall application, include better fall/ winter color; earlier spring green up and improved overall health of your trees and shrubs.


Due to our South Louisiana climate we recommend waiting until October to apply the GroSmart Fall step or a winterizer to your lawn.

This product should be applied during the cooler fall months.


Herbicides and Insecticides

The key to weed prevention is continued application of a Pre-Emergent herbicides. Apply every 3 months year round.

Dimension is a pre-emergent herbicide used in ornamental landscape areas, and established lawns. Apply to your flowerbeds and lawns to prevent weed seeds from germinating.
This can be applied over your existing landscape.

Bug Blaster is a broad spectrum insecticide that controls insect and pests in lawns and landscapes. Bug Blaster should be applied throughout your yard to control fire ants, fleas, ticks, mole crickets, chinch bugs, crane flies, scorpions, and other listed pests.

Treats over 75 insects


Webworms are causing havoc in lawns around town.

The damage looks a lot like brown patch or a fungus but it must be treated with an insecticide not a fungicide. The LSU agriculture article is available on our Facebook page if you would like to read more.

Apply an insecticide like Talstar or Bug Blaster to your entire lawn to treat it.

Please check out our September newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.


You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.




Aphids-These soft bodied insects reproduce very rapidly. They cause distorted leaves and exude a honeydew causing sooty mold to grow. You must spray every 7 days with an insecticide to control.

All of these products are in stock at Plant Tech

Sooty Mold-This black colored fungus grows on the dew secreted by aphids. Sooty mold is an aesthetic problem and doesn't harm the plant. You have to treat your insect problem first then apply a systemic to prevent it from happening.

Lichen-A combination of an alga and a fungus growing in patches. Lichen grows on stagnant plants & trees that are not actively growing. It
is not extremely harmful to the plant but is a sign of lack of fertilizer. Apply a 13.6.6. spring, summer, fall.

Scale-A small insect that feeds by sucking sap from plants, weakening the plant and eventually killing them. It can cause yellowing, stunted growth and dead leaves. Trim the infected areas and spray with an insecticide or dormant oil.

White Flies-These are unsightly and destructive pests. White flies cause yellowing, mold, poor growth. They reproduce and spread quickly, requiring prompt attention. Apply insecticidal soap in the early morning or late evening every few days.


Worms & caterpillars have been especially bad this season. These insects can defoliate a plant quickly. They are common on azaleas as well as plants located under larger trees.

We recommend using a Thuricide. Apply at least 2 applications 7 days apart.

Please check out our August newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.


You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.



Heat tolerant plants


You still have options for seasonal color during the heat. Caladiums, Coleus, Lantana, Penta, Celosia, Angelonia, & Salvia do great this time of year.

When working in your yard this summer start in the early morning, drink lots of water and take breaks.

Seasonal Color Tips

“Deadhead” or remove the dead or spent blooms on your seasonal flowers. This will encourage more flowering and improve the general appearance of the overall plant.

Reapply a monthly fertilizer to your seasonal color to encourage blooms.

Summer annual color still available.

Be careful in the heat. A lot of chemicals have temperature restrictions so READ THE LABEL before spraying this time of year. If you have not applied a pre-emergent to your lawns and flowerbeds. Do it now! Every three months is key!


Nutsedge is an aggressive weed this time of year. Don’t pull it! Pulling it will cause it to spread. Instead, apply SedgeHammer. The new formula includes the surfactant. Mix with water and apply. Sedgehammer doesn't affect any other trees or shrubs.

Please check out our July newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.


You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.



JUNE Application

June is an important month for your yard. During the heat of the summer your trees, shrubs and lawn need attention. To keep your yard lush, growing and weed and insect free; it is time to REAPPLY your Fertilizer, Pre-Emergent Herbicide and Insecticides.
**Remember the trick to these chemicals is to apply every three months.



Whether you applied the Nelson Spring step or Weed and Feed in March; now is the time to apply our Nelson Summer step 2 . — ONLY $ 10.50 for 1,700 sq. ft.


***If you are still having weeds pop up in your lawn you can spot spray with a new chemical called Top Shot. There is no temperature restriction on this product.


Our Plant Tech specially blended 13.6.6. is a great all purpose fertilizer. We fertilize everything in the nursery with this blend. It should be applied to your flower beds, trees, shrubs and seasonal color every three months.

Dimension is a pre-emergent herbicide that prevents weed seeds from germinating in your flower beds. Broadcast over your existing beds and lawn every three months year round.


Bug Blaster is a granular insecticide that should be applied to your flowerbeds and yard to keep out most bugs and insects. Great for preventing red ants.


It is best to water your shrubs and lawn thoroughly then let it dry out slightly. Water in the early morning and allow the water to soak into the ground.
Adequate water promotes deep roots and strong plants.

In Stock!!!
Mosquito Beater.

Please check out our June newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.


You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.
