If you want a beautiful WEED FREE lawn this spring, now is the time to get started. By spraying while your grass is dormant, you are able to treat your weeds before your lawn flushes out with new growth this spring.

Atrizine treats both existing weeds as well as weed seeds in St. Augustine and Centipede lawns.

Weed Free Zone controls over 80 of the toughest to control broadleaf weeds like, clover, ivy, buttonweed, and Bermuda grass.

Now available in a hose end sprayer– No measuring needed!

Apply both to your lawn now while the weather is cool.

****follow all labels and instructions***

Now is a great time to plant. Planting while the ground is cool gives you a better chance for success.

The tree or shrub will be rooted out before the heat of our Louisiana summer rolls around.

Prepare your lawn for spring
Pansies are still available
Want to do it yourself?
We can help!
We can help you get going in the right direction.

 Sketch a plan
 Help select plant material
 Give advice and planting tips
 Deliver everything to you

Please check out our January newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.


You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.


1. Lay out your flower beds.
2. Remove all grass and weeds.
3. Till up existing soil
4. Add 4-6” of additional loose soil.
5. Lay out plant material and install leaving 1” of the root ball above grade.
6. Add 2” of mulch OR top dress

Gift Certificates Available

Winter weather: Can a frost damage your plants?

Tropicals and new plants that are not well established are particularly vulnerable to cold weather during the winter. When temperatures are consistently below freezing the frost could damage your plants.
Advice: Water your plants well then cover them with a blanket or towel.
Remove the blanket mid morning the next day.



Winter is an ideal time to install new trees and shrubs. Cooler weather allows the new plants to grow and become established before the heat of our Louisiana summers.







The key to success is not to plant the shrub or tree too deep!! Planting too deep causes the hole to hold water and the roots of the plant can rot.
Keep your plants well drained!!!







Please check out our December newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.

You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.



Fertilizer & Fungicide
Available at Plant Tech


Pansies are a strong winter annual with large blooms, growing 6-8” tall.


Pansies come in a variety of colors in both trailing and upright. Panola is a cross between Pansy and Viola, also growing 6-8” tall


They provide smaller blooms but more blooms per plant. Panolas can take shady situations better than Pansies.


Other seasonal color varieties ALSO available: 

Alyssum, Columbine, Cabbage, Kale, Dianthus, Foxglove, Viola, Pansy (wave and upright), and Snapdragon (upright, dwarf and trailing)
4” Flats of 18 plants and individual 6” available

Now that the weather has cooled off; you can spot treat your lawn for weeds. Use Weed Free Zone to treat the most common lawn weeds.
Clover, Lespedeza, Poison Ivy, Purslane, Ragweed, Spurge, Virginia Buttonweed……..the list goes on and on!

Seasonal plants are heavy feeders and are susceptible to a broad range of soil borne diseases. Treat and prevent these diseases while you fertilize!!

Please check out our November newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.

You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.



Snapdragons: Tall, Dwarf, and a new variety of trailing snapdragons

Petunias: Madness (upright) and Wave (trailing) petunias

Dianthus: Bouquet, Parfait, Telstar and Amazon dianthus

We pride ourselves on providing healthy, locally grown plants with a strong root system. Our green house employees plant continuously, providing fresh crops weekly. To view our entire catalog click on our link below.

Check our weekly availability posted online at and call to reserve your favorites.

Additional Varieties COMING SOON– Pansy, Viola, Cabbage, Alyssum and more!

PRUNING: Now is the time to cut back your knock out roses. We prune ours 3 times a year. When you prune, leave foliage below the cut. This allows the roses to flush out, become full and bloom more. After you prune apply a 12.6.6 fertilizer.

Fertilize/ Winterize your lawn

Gro-Smart-Step 3 Fall Application. 5 . 12 . 16
A fall application of fertilizer helps your lawn recover from sum-mer stresses and prepares the turf for dormancy. A high level of Potassium promotes hardiness, root growth and improves tur health for the winter. This product combines traditional con-trolled release and activated bio-solids to provide a complete lawn food. One bag treats 2700-3500 sq. ft.

Please check out our October newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.


You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.


