At last, it is time to sit back, relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. 


Enjoy this time in your yard, September will be another busy month for fertilizers and herbicides. 


In August, keep an eye on your watering.  Check your irrigation to make sure your shrubs are being watered properly. 


Stay on top of your weeds this month. It is almost time to reapply your pre-emergent herbicides. 


You can reapply early if weeds are starting to appear. 



TreeGator Jr. Pro


Don’t have time to water…… TreeGator Jr. Pro is a low-profile slow release watering bag for new trees, shrubs and evergreens. 

Place around the tree, fill and walk away!  

Watering slowly and thoroughly promotes deep root growth and reduces transplant shock.




Mosquito Beater: granular, fog and spray, three ways to treat your yard. 

These products reduce the annoyances of mosquitoes, gnats, house flies, flying moths, and cluster flies. 

Plant Tech offers three ways to treat your yard. 

One treatment can be effective for up to three weeks.


Please check out our August newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.

You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.


  • Dead head Roses and seasonal color to promote new bloom.
  • Pinch back leggy stems to encourage branching and fullness.
  • Apply mulch around tree and shrubs to retain moisture
  • Avoid digging or transplanting during the heat.
  • Plants suffering from iron deficiency would benefit from a dose of Iron this time of year.  We would recommend Ironite.


Heat tolerant plants  -  Caladium, Hibiscus, Potato Vine, Coleus, Lysimachia, Lantana.


These varieties can withstand the intense heat.  Try these options to give your yard a pop of color during this hot summer weather.

















Nutsedge is still an aggressive weed this time of year.









SedgeHammer is the solution.  The new formula includes the surfactant.   No mixing required.







To avoid the heat, work in your yard early morning or late afternoon.  Don’t forget Plant Tech is open on Saturdays till noon to help with your projects.


Please check out our July newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.

You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.




June is an important month for your yard.  During the heat of the summer your trees, shrubs and lawn need special attention.  To keep your yard protected and treated it is time to REAPPLY your Fertilizer, Pre-Emergent Herbicide and Insecticides.   **Remember the trick to these chemicals is to apply every three months.  March, June and September.




Florikan 12.6.6.  is a great all purpose fertilizer.  This should be applied to your flower beds, trees, shrubs and seasonal color.   





Whether you applied the GroSmart spring step or Weed and Feed this Spring; now is the time to apply the GroSmart Summer step 2 on your lawn.     

——  ONLY $ 12.50 for 1,700 sq. ft.   

***If you are still having weeds pop up in your lawn you can spot spray with Weed Free Zone during these warm months.   





Make application a breeze with a hand spreader.  
$ 19.00 








Dimension is a pre-emergent herbicide that prevents weed seeds from germinating in your flower beds.  Sprinkle over your existing beds every three months year round.  







Bug Blaster is a granular insecticide that should be applied to your flowerbeds and yard to keep out most bugs and insects.  





* NOTE Irrigation is meant to sustain your grass, smaller shrubs and bedding plants.  If we have long spurts without rain larger shrubs and trees may need additional hand watering.   

ALL of these products are available at Plant Tech
In Stock!!!
Mosquito Beater.

Please check out our June newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.

You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.



A lush, green lawn is a symbol of a proud homeowner.  Watering your lawn early morning is best to reduce loss of water due to evaporation and reduce chances of developing a fungus.  As necessary as water is, too much water can also cause harm.  Over watering can contribute to the development of fungus and disease. Let your lawn and shrubs dry slightly between waterings.   It is not good to keep your plants wet or have standing water.

* Newly planted shrubs and trees require special attention.  Keep these plants well watered while they become acclimated to the










Nutsedge is an aggressive weed this time of year.  It is difficult to control and spreads easily.   Generic weed and feed products will NOT target this grass.  Pulling this weed will only cause it to spread.






SedgeHammer is the only selective herbicide that will control nutsedge in turf grass and other landscaped areas.   
Sedgehammer must be used with a surfactant!!

Tropicals and custom pots are available.  





 Get mom something special for Mother’s Day!





Potted Plants– Remember potted plants will dry out faster than shrubs and seasonal flowers planted in your beds.  
Check the water daily to keep them from drying out.  





Caladiums and Vinca Available NOW


Mowing-  Remember to always mow your lawn with a sharp blade and only remove the top 1/3 of the grass blades.  These practices encourage a deeper root system and a healthier lawn.

Please check out our May newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.

You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.
