Cut back Knock Out Roses 3 times a year to have full, bloom filled shrubs. February is the time to cut Knock Out Roses the hardest. Cut the shrub back to the desired height and fertilize.

We cut ours to 12” this time of year. Pruning allows the roses to flush out and become full, and well shaped.

Our Louisiana weather can be unpredictable. We recommend waiting until the middle of March to prune back any other shrubs or winter damage in your yard. Wait to prune gardenias and azaleas after they bloom.

Prune Crepe Myrtles

Crepe Myrtles bloom on new growth BUT there is no need to butcher your trees to get more blooms. Pruning correctly prevents turning a beautiful Crepe Myrtle into ugly stumps. Follow these simple tips for proper pruning.
*Selectively prune; no need to butcher the tree.
*Never cut more than 12– 15” off of each branch.
*Never cut a branch that is larger than a pencil.
*Prune any suckers coming from the base.
*You can also prune any side branches growing from the main trunk, but be selective.

Correct pruning can create a well spaced main branch with nice bark and beautiful blooms.

Now is still a good time to spray your weeds in your lawn. Spray a combination of atrazine and weed free zone.

Instead of spraying for insects in the spring put out a Systemic Insecticide NOW!

A systemic is a granular applied to the base of the tree or shrub. It incorporates itself through the plant and into the leaves. Thus preventing Aphids and Sooty mold!!!

Please check out our February newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.


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