Your plants need food !!!

Plant Tech’s specially blended 13.6.6. An application of this nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium rich fertilizer will green up, stimulate blooms and enrich the roots of your plants. Use on your bedding plants, trees and shrubs.

Lichen is a common fungus and not particularly harmful, BUT it is a sign your plant or tree is not actively growing. FEED IT!

LAWN: Spring Application:
The most important thing you can do for your lawn is feed it!. A well-fed lawn can better withstand heat, cold, drought, mowing, foot traffic and other
stresses. Feeding your lawn in the spring strengthens roots and provides a good start for the heavy growing season. The stronger your lawn is the fewer weeds will be able to take root.

****If you sprayed your weeds in January fertilize your yard with our Spring fertilizer program.

Weed and Feed products are also available at Plant Tech.

***Apply a weed and feed product AFTER you have cut your lawn twice.***

First crops of petunias are in!
More varieties becoming available weekly.

— Fertilize —
Stop weeds and bugs before they happen

Dimension is a pre-emergent herbicide that prevents weed seeds from germinating in your flower beds and lawn. Apply to your existing beds and LAWN every three months year round for best results.

Bug Blaster is a granular insecticide that should be applied to your flowerbeds and yard to keep out most bugs and insects. It controls Fleas, Fireants, Ticks, Mole
Crickets, Chinch Bugs and many more. Apply to your beds and LAWN every three months.

Locally Grown 4” Vegetables and herbs only

Wave, Madness, Supertunia, Mix Solids and the new Fuseables mix

View our entire catalog on our website


Please check out our March newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.


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