Stay on top of your weeding during the heat. Get out in your yard in the early morning or late evening.  If you haven't applied a pre-emergent.  Do it now!

Nutsedge is an aggressive weed this time of year. Don’t pull it! Pulling it will cause it to spread. Instead spray it with SedgeHammer The new formula includes the surfactant so you don't have to mix it.
July can be hot and dry in Southern Louisiana. Make sure your lawn, trees, and shrubs are getting adequate water. Water trees and sod deeply at lease once a week. Keep an eye on plants near or directly under larger trees. These larger trees can absorb a majority of the moisture.


•     Avoid pruning your trees and shrubs.
•     Avoid digging or transplanting during the heat.
•     Dead head seasonal color to promote new bloom.
•     Apply mulch around trees and shrubs to retain moisture.
•     Mow your lawn at a high setting.

Tropicals are great options in this summer heat.

Hibiscus, Passion Vine, Jasmine, Ixora, Mandevilla, Croton, Tibouchina, Bird of Paradise, and Lantana.    We have trellis and tree form varieties. Tropicals are great for containers and mixed pots. Try these options to give your yard or patio a pop of color during this hot summer weather.















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