If you want a beautiful weed free lawn this spring, now is the time to get started. We recommend spraying your weeds directly before you fertilize your lawn in March. By spraying while your grass is dormant, you are able to directly treat them before new sod growth develops this spring. A mixture of Atrazine and Weed Free Zone targets a majority of the most aggressive weeds in our climate.

Atrazine controls both emerged weeds as well as weed from seed in St. Augustine and Centipede grass. *Only use during the cool months. Do NOT spray with temperatures over 90 degrees
and do not spray in the drip line of trees.

Weed Free Zone controls over 80 of the toughest to control broadleaf weeds like clover, ivy, spurge, thistle, and virginia button weed.

Prune your Crepe Myrtles

Crepe Myrtles bloom on new growth BUT there is no need to butcher your trees to get more blooms.
Pruning correctly prevents turning a beautiful Crepe Myrtle into ugly stumps.


Follow these simple tips for proper pruning.

  • Never cut more than 12–15” off of each branch.
  • Never cut a branch that is larger than a pencil.
  • Prune any suckers coming from the base.
  • You can also prune any side branches growing from the main trunk, but be selective.
  • Correct pruning can create a well spaced main branch with nice bark and beautiful blooms.
  • Resist Pruning anything right now after our hard freezes. Let the foliage protect the plant. Wait until March and let everything warm up.








Instead of spraying for insects in the spring put out a Systemic Insecticide NOW!

A systemic is applied to the ground and incorporates itself through the plant and into the leaves. Preventing Aphids and Sooty mold!


Please check out our February newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.

You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.


Winter is an ideal time to install new trees and shrubs.  Cooler weather allows the new plants to grow and become established before the heat of our Louisiana summers.   The key to success is not to plant the shrub or tree too deep!!  Planting too deep causes the hole to hold water and the roots of the plant can rot.

Keep your plants well drained!

1.  Lay out your flower beds.
2.  Remove all grass and weeds.
3.  Till up existing soil  
4.  Add 4-6” of additional loose soil.
5.  Lay out plant material and install leaving 1” of the root ball above grade.  
6.  Add 2” of mulch





Winter weather:  Can a frost damage your plants?

Tropicals and new plants that are not well established are particularly vulnerable to cold weather during the winter.   When temperatures are consistently below freezing the frost could damage your plants.

Water your plants well then cover them with a blanket or towel.  Remove the blanket mid morning the next day.


Use your fall color to add a little Holiday Cheer to your yard.  There are countless options for your yard besides the typical Poinsettia.  Baskets add a TON of holiday cheer no matter the color!! We grow a variety of baskets in different combinations, sizes in a range of prices.






Please check out our December newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.

You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.


Stay on top of your weeding during the heat. Get out in your yard in the early morning or late evening.  If you haven't applied a pre-emergent.  Do it now!

Nutsedge is an aggressive weed this time of year. Don’t pull it! Pulling it will cause it to spread. Instead spray it with SedgeHammer The new formula includes the surfactant so you don't have to mix it.
July can be hot and dry in Southern Louisiana. Make sure your lawn, trees, and shrubs are getting adequate water. Water trees and sod deeply at lease once a week. Keep an eye on plants near or directly under larger trees. These larger trees can absorb a majority of the moisture.


•     Avoid pruning your trees and shrubs.
•     Avoid digging or transplanting during the heat.
•     Dead head seasonal color to promote new bloom.
•     Apply mulch around trees and shrubs to retain moisture.
•     Mow your lawn at a high setting.

Tropicals are great options in this summer heat.

Hibiscus, Passion Vine, Jasmine, Ixora, Mandevilla, Croton, Tibouchina, Bird of Paradise, and Lantana.    We have trellis and tree form varieties. Tropicals are great for containers and mixed pots. Try these options to give your yard or patio a pop of color during this hot summer weather.















Please check out our July newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.

You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.



If you want a beautiful weed free lawn this spring, now is the time to get started. We recommend spraying your weeds before you fertilize your lawn. By spraying while your grass is dormant, you are able to directly treat your weeds before new sod growth develops this spring. A mixture of Atrazine and Weed Free Zone targets a majority of the most aggressive weeds in our climate.

Atrazine controls both emerged weeds as well as weed from seed in St. Augustine and Centipede grass. *Only use during the cold months. Do NOT spray near trees.
Weed Free Zone controls over 80 of the toughest to control broadleaf weeds like clover, ivy, button weed, thisle, and virgina button weed. * Can be applied year round.
Both of these products are available at Plant Tech

Prune your Crepe Myrtles

Crepe Myrtles bloom on new growth BUT there is no need to butcher your trees to get more blooms. Pruning correctly prevents turning a beautiful Crepe Myrtle into ugly stumps. Follow these simple tips for proper pruning.
*Never cut more than 12– 15” off of each branch.
*Never cut a branch that is larger than a pencil.
*Prune any suckers coming from the base.
*You can also prune any side branches growing from the main trunk, but be selective.
Correct pruning can create a well spaced main branch with nice bark and beautiful blooms.


Instead of spraying for insects in the spring put out a Systemic Insecticide NOW!

A systemic is applied to the ground and incor-porates itself through the plant and into the leaves. This is not a contact kill chemical, it prevents the insects from eating the pant. Thus preventing Aphids and Sooty mold!!!  



Please check out our February newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.


You can sign up for our monthly newsletter by visiting our contact page.