• Dead head Roses and seasonal color to promote new bloom.
  • Pinch back leggy stems to encourage branching and fullness.
  • Apply mulch around tree and shrubs to retain moisture
  • Avoid digging or transplanting during the heat.
  • Plants suffering from iron deficiency would benefit from a dose of Iron this time of year.  We would recommend Ironite.


Heat tolerant plants  -  Caladium, Hibiscus, Potato Vine, Coleus, Lysimachia, Lantana.


These varieties can withstand the intense heat.  Try these options to give your yard a pop of color during this hot summer weather.

















Nutsedge is still an aggressive weed this time of year.









SedgeHammer is the solution.  The new formula includes the surfactant.   No mixing required.







To avoid the heat, work in your yard early morning or late afternoon.  Don’t forget Plant Tech is open on Saturdays till noon to help with your projects.


Please check out our July newsletter, and contact us if you have any questions about these products.

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